Dr. shawn baker podcast: max winders & betterfed beef
Max Winders, Co-Founder of BetterFed Beef, joins Dr. Shawn Baker on his podcast to discuss everything from Certified ONYA® beef and the midwest families producing it, to international agriculture and their shared experiences of playing rugby in New Zealand.
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About dr. shawn baker
Dr. Shawn Baker MD is an orthopedic surgeon, international speaker, best-selling author, and world champion athlete. He is a leading authority on nutritional therapy and raising awareness about how it affects chronic diseases, and the CMO of Revero.
Dr. Baker introduced the zero carb elimination diet to the world on the Joe Rogan Experience with more than 10 million downloads and wrote the best selling book, The Carnivore Diet.

Max Winders is the Co-Founder of BetterFed Beef. He has 28 years of International Agriculture Business Development experience and success under his belt, working in 59 different countries and traveling to numerous more. Max has been responsible for the success of regional business divisions in South America, Europe, Russia & CIS Nations, MEA, Oceania, SE Asia, China and North Asia.