Tim and Shana Johnson are second-generation farmers for Cedar View Farms. Both growing up in agriculture, Tim and Shana now raise two children of their own on their farm. They hope to pass on their love for agriculture and the family business! "We are thankful every day that our kids can grow up being raised like we were," says Shana. "There are many lessons learned here, such as understanding where food comes from and how it reaches your plate. We hope to have our children carry on the Cedar View Farms legacy!"
We are thankful every day that our kids can grow up on a farm, just as we did. We realize this upbringing provides numerous opportunities that most people don’t get to experience, being generations removed from the family farm. From understanding where their food comes from and how it reaches their plate, to learning responsibility- not only financially but also with animal care and equipment respect, farm life teaches a great work ethic. Our hope is the have our children carry on the Cedar View Farms legacy!
Cedar View Farms utilize conservation and nutrient management plans, to supervise the care of our land, the environment around us, and the cattle on our farm. These plans sketch a path for us to follow when it comes to manure management, crop production and more. We continue to be sustainable by using the manure produced by our cattle to enrich the land and soil where our crops are planted. In the fall, our crops are harvested and are fed to our cattle. We grow all the feed for the animals, with the exception of distiller grains, which are bought from local ethanol plants.
Cedar View Farms is a family focused operation. We take immense pride when a family tastes our product and they tell us, “It was the best beef they ever ate!” To be a part of the BetterFed Beef community is truly in-line with our mission. We dedicate ourselves to providing a safe, healthy environment for our animals, which in turn produces wholesome, quality beef. We would love to be able to have more people enjoy what we get to appreciate every day!

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